Adobe Photoshop has dominated the world of professional photo editing since its original launch back in 1990. The nature of computing has changed radically in the intervening 20 years, and Photoshop CS5 reflects that fact with the inclusion of both 32- and 64-bit versions, the latter promising faster performance depending on how much RAM you've installed.
Photo editing has moved on too, from managing the occasional scan to thousands of digital camera images, and CS5 boasts key improvements that recognise this fact. The main image management element, Bridge CS5, remains in place, and it's largely unchanged here, but within the application there's been a major step forward. The new Mini-Bridge panel now allows you to quickly and directly search and view image previews without the clutter of metadata panels, and without having to load up the full Bridge application.
Wuahhhhh buanyak banget Linknya bro :D
coba ane dondot satu-satu..hehhehe
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Tutorial Coreldraw&Photoshop
hehe...kagak jg ah!.. thanks nie dah follow,
okeh ntar lgsg mampir keblog'a..
kok corrupt sih bosss pas di xtract?
Extracting Photoshop_12_LS1.7z Error: CRC mismatch in file "Photoshop_12_LS1.7z" in the archive "C:\Documents and Settings\Manta\My Documents\Downloads\Compressed\New Folder\Adobe Photoshop CS5 By Basman.part01.rar"
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